The Mission of Poplar Ridge Christian Church is to "Love God, Love People" (Matthew 22:36-40).
The Vision for our church is to be "A Place To Call Home" for all who join us in worship and service to God.
Poplar Ridge Christian Church is free from all denomination organizations and creeds. We seek to honor Christ as Head and Lord over the Church, as established in the New Testament.
We plead for unity of believers in Christ, not by compromise or organizational union of man-made sects, but by a return to the Bible as God's inspired Word.
We accept the Bible as sole authority and sufficient guide for our faith and practice. On matters of opinion, where God has not spoken, we desire to allow the liberty of opinion in christian love and fellowship.
If we can be of spiritual service or ministry to you, please do not hesitate to call us. We desire to serve you for the sake of Christ.

The Bible Teaches
We have all sinned - Romans 3:23
Our sins separate us from God - Romans 6:23
God loves us - John 3:16
Christ died for us - Romans 5:8
Jesus is the son of God - John 20:31
We should confess faith in Christ - Romans 10:10
We should repent of our sins - Acts 2:38
We should be baptized into Christ - Galatians 3:26-27
We should live faithfully for Christ - Acts 2:42
We should assemble together - Hebrews 10:24-25
Jesus is coming again to receive us - John 14:3